Genius Bar


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Got a technical question? Step up to the Genius Bar

  • When you have questions on technical support for your iPad,  you can get friendly, advice at the Genius Bar in the Lower Library at Burlington High School.

  • The Genius Bar is run by BHS students who have knowledge of Apple products and can answer all your technical questions. Want to speak to a Genius? Make an appointment ahead of time to guarantee your space.

Who works at the Genius Bar?

  • Geniuses, who are selected and somewhat trained by BHS.  There is very little they do not know about Apple products, such as the iPad.

What equipment should I bring with me?

  • For issues with a iPad, bring your iPad, and make sure if you have a passcode lock on it, to remove it. The only reason we say this is because, say perhaps, we are running late on our scheduled times, we will keep your iPad in a safe place and take care of the issue as soon as possible. For the time being we do have iPads to check out from our Burlington High School Library, you may check one out, for the remainder of the day.

What should I do when I arrive?

  • When you get to the Burlington High School Genius Bar, in our lower library,just ask one of the Help desk team members, to guide you to the Genius Bar.

What can I expect from my appointment?

  • At the beginning of your session, you’ll be asked what issue you are having with the iPad. The Genius working with you gathers information about your system to resolve your issues and answer your questions. Give or take, the lessons will last unto 10 minutes. 

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